Niche Research

Last Update: November 11, 2009

Based on my goal,  I was supposed to DISCOVER my GOLDEN niche last Saturday. And.. yeah! I finally FOUND it! I really want to share the thrill of discovering my niche with y'all, so I decided to make a post here.

After going through the WA Action Plan, I realized how important is
THE 50/50 RULE - 50% Research | 50% Action. Now I would like to share how I did my research and how I took the action.

Before taking any action, I went through the RESEARCH training so that I can maximize every possibilities to find my niche. The following is the summary of my training:

THE 10 POINTS that you need to know BEFORE taking action:

1) What are the benefits of your products?
     - make a list of "benefits" that people may be looking for 
     - base keyword research around these benefits

2) Choosing the "RIGHT" keywords
    - create highly targeted keywords phrases:
      cure, resole, solution, solutions, treatment, relief, resolution, alleviate,
      relieve, remove, rid, get rid of, detect, detection, repair, fix, delete,
      symptoms, review, compare, scam, comparison, reviews, instruction,
      info, information, book, guide, ebook, manual, directions, tips, tip,
      technique, techniques, secret, secrets, better, stronger, faster, quicker,
      bigger, smaller
    - keyword research tool: Buy, Purchase, Find, News, Info etc

3) Find BURNING Questions (they are afraid, they want ANSWERS)
    - BURNING: Can I get out of debt without filing for bankruptcy?
                           I keep getting weird phone calls, am I being stalked?
    - NOT burning: Is this brand of toothpaste a good brand?
                                How reliable is this product?

4) Using 
    - determine website's traffic (Alexa >1,000,000: low traffic)  
    - overture tool ( > 300 searches: good)

5) Finding keywords before and industry/ product
    -, Google Keyword Tool, Google Match Type Tool
    - check profitability: search affiliate programs, determine break-even
      point, and max CPC, cross-sell products through mailing list

6) Master keyword research
    - use Google Keyword Tool / WA Keyword Tool
    - select "USE SYNONYMS"
    - replug-in the keyword

    - UNTARGETED: How to learn Kung Fu so that you can defend yourself
                                    against an attacker with ease
    - The majority are learning Kung Fu for a SPECIFIC reason.
      (A)..because they have just moved to a big city/ bad area of town
           = Do you live in a bad part of town and you want to protect yourself
              against an attack?
      (B)..because they have children they want to protect
           = Do you want to be able to protect your family in the event of a
              dangerous situation?
       (C)..because they work a late job and have to walk home alone
            = Are you afraid of being attacked when walking home late at night?

8) Dig the niche at
     - it always focus on people day to day problems

9) Dig every single niche and micro niche at
     - Find sub-niche
     - Check landing page & join affiliate program
     - Check author bio -> what industry are all his articles in
     - Check html of the articles to see keywords that bring him $$
     - Google the keyword using " "

10) Consumer Demand Index (What people are shopping for ONLINE)
       - cross-promote: Someone that is interested in games is also
         interested in ___________.


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