One Year Anniversary!

Last Update: June 01, 2010

YeeeeHawwwww!  My ONE YEAR anniversary of being back with WA is today!  Even though it has been a year that has been short on earnings, it has been rich with learning.  It is amazing when everything just starts to click!

Am I discouraged that business isn't better?  Not really. I know that all I have to do is continue with my article marketing strategy and it will all be good----soon!

What I have problems with are the people who are so impatient that they fail before they can even get started.  These people expect to write an article or two and make a year's salary in a week.  To them I say "if you want to get rich quick, play the lottery!

Everyday is filled with more things to learn and discover on our road to success!

Thank you Kyle and Carson for allowing me to learn from the best here at WA!

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ana_nimoss Premium
But, I would really like to know (as a reference), what is ideal amount of time when you see the result? I mean, you knew how long you have to stay in college to get a degree (of course, some stayed A LOT longer), so I am always curious as a newbie. Any answers?
jatdebeaune Premium
I know. You have to be realistic about this work. The quickest way to profit is PPC, but only if you do it right. It's expensive. Takes a lot of writing to make the necessary impact. My friends and family are supportive to a degree only because they believe in me, but think I am too married to the computer. They may be right.
maureenhannan Premium
Amen. Everything worth doing (I find) takes an investment of effort and a modicum of patience.