Stalled Out Marketer Gets Jump Start

Last Update: May 20, 2012
Life is full of ups and downs and that is probably what makes it so exciting.  Always changing and most of us just go with the flow.  However, what if you feel like you have been "unplugged" or like a car that has been stalled out for months and months?  I'm talking about the ability to move ahead with my marketing, or for that matter, even keeping up with the changes that have taken place here at WA.

Yes, life got in the way for me.  I am taking care of my four grandsons while my daughter is working and trying to put her life together.  Doesn't exactly leave a great deal of time for moving forward with my article marketing.  I seriously think that they lay awake at night thinking of ways for this grandma to not sit down for over 5 minutes at a time!

But now I have put my foot down and they will be moving in a couple weeks.  You will always love them and can be a better role  model to them if you take the time for yourself. 

I have let a lot of things slide and domain names expire.  Haven't written an article since last year.  I don't feel like I'm a newbie or don't know anything.  I'm just starting over.  Fresh.  But where and how do you jump back in?  Any  input would be greatly appreciated.

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my website is it is taking time to build it. i need help as to how i can go about it. i would also like to get in touch with those in this industry. thank you
BIS Premium
Hi Kathy

The 30 Day Success Club is a good place to sart because it will give you a framework to start from and if you've done some things before you will find you slip back into them

I'm a Coach so I always advise people to have a plan. Decide how much time you have to devote to IM. Don't leave it to chance because family things have a habit of always getting in the way. It doesn't matter whether you decide that realistically you only have 30 minutes a day because you get up 30 minutes earlier. The important things is to be clear what you intend to achieve in that half an hour and be really focuassed. That's how you will make progress and start moving forward again.

My second piece of advice is continue to ask questions. Don't site and stew and wonder what you're doing or puzzle over something. Use the Live Chat. Most of the time there is someone who can help.

The very best of luck. You''ll get there.
ECAffiliates Premium
I am doing the 30 day training for the second time around. It's a great place to start. I always know what I will doing the next day. I make mental notes, the hard part is staying focused on your task. There is so much to learn and I am also finding other blogs and training materials that deals with what I am learning and have to remind myself of what I am trying to accomplish.

I always read current blogs and the chat happening. I lot of the time it deals with issues I am learning or gives direction into further development.
veronica.l Premium
One thing that really helps me is every Sunday I sit down for a few minutes and plan my next week.
I write down (in my calendar) my top 3 - 5 priorites, things that I want to accomplish each and every day. That can be keyword research, write 1 article, send out an email to one of my lists, create a blog post, create a wp blog, contact 5 local businesses...

Plan the bigger tasks the day you know you will have time for them, but also plan the smaller tasks. That way you see the progress and you have it on paper that you accomplish things:). It also helps me feel more organized.

Hope it helps