Posts by Flapjackgirl 12
October 26, 2009
I haven't posted like a should be.  Think my focus has been force to other areas of my life, but on a temp basis.  I am going to go through PPG's OWM and complete that.  I really like her new video about setting up a Squidoo lens because she lets you see exactly what she does.  Kudos to you Jennifer! Focus and drive should be the winning combination here.  I know that I'm not doing everything in WA that I should, but what I need to do right now is make some money. 
October 19, 2009
Hi everyone!  I'm Kathy and this is my 2nd time around with WA.  Thought I knew what I was doing the 1st time, but yea, that didn't happen! Now I'm here and things are starting to stick.  People talk about "learning curves" and such, but I think that there is a method to introducing things to your brain so everything makes sense.   Right now I am seeing how screwed up I can get Site Rubix as I'm trying to build my website.  I looked and looked for something eas
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