Day 1

Last Update: June 05, 2010

I just signed up this afternoon and am working my way through the training.  Holy Cow!  I have so much to learn!  Fortunately, I'm enjoying the process immensely.

I'll post more when I have some progress to report.  Right now SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) informs me we have a date tonight - so I'm going to have to pack it in for today.  Looking forward to tomorrow!

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sawatson2 Premium
I guess great people think alike. I was very impressed with the Wealthy Affiliate web site and signed up yesterday. I have enjoyed working my way through some of the excellent content that is available, and have just sat down to continue my education..

I would like to add you to Buddy List if it is OK and feel free to add me to yours if you want.

Regards and I wish you great success!
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome. You're in an excellent place to learn. All the best to you.
enduser13 Premium
enjoy your date! ^_^
Sherion Premium
Hi and welcome to WA! Feel free to add me as your buddy. I just started last week and I know it can be overwhelming. I just take it one day at a time though.
Sherion Premium
Hi and welcome to WA! Feel free to add me as your buddy. I just started last week and I know it can be overwhelming. I just take it one day at a time though.