I Am Glad To Be Accepted Into The 30 Days WA Club

Last Update: January 16, 2011

It is a coincidence. The night before I was asking one of my IM coaches if she knew anything about how to apply for and join the WA club.

The next day i receive an email from Wa telling me to apply for the club. I quickly ceased that opportunity and applied since the spaces were limited.

2 days later I got an email telling me I had been accepted into the club.

I am so looking forward to this. yes it will be challenging and I will have a lot of tasks to accomplish daily but that is how success is built.

I am glad that I have at least known the very basics of internet marketing during my six weeks of being a WA member. I hope that will give me a good head start. Especially since I will be writing a lot of articles.

i am still to find out when exactly the training begins.

Can"t wait. I look forward to seeing some of you there and working with you as we try to help each other out.



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goshenlady Premium
It's day 7 already for the WA article marketing club. How time flies. One week gone already. A lot has been learned and a lot has bee put to action and a lot is still to be learned but just having daily instructions and tasks gives me something to look to and the ability to discipline myself. I do wish all my fellow WA clubers success.
Jamie Smith Premium
Wishing your great success in 2011 and beyond! I am looking forward to this club too, Joan is in there also.