Little Success But Oh So Sweet

Last Update: February 19, 2011

I recently finished the super affiliate article marketing club where i learned a bunch of tips and tricks on IM. During one of the tasks I was able to come up with a keyword that has very little competion. Just about 20 at the time. I checked on google and found that there was only one ezine article with that keyword on the first page of google. So i decided to write a post for my blog targeting that keyword and an article to submit to EZA. Upon checking my blog today, i find the article was featured on a business website. It also ranks number one on google and my blog rankd number 4 on the first page of google for that keyword.

I am so happy because keyword research has been very challenging for me. I have also had a number of difficulties getting my articles accepted on ezine articles. But I feel I am beginning to get a real grasp of article marketing.

I am still to see a sale but I do know that if I keep on doing what I am doing now, basically trying to write one post or article a day for my WA blog, I will get there. I could write more but it takes me much time to find keeper keywords. But I am confident it will get easier with time. This is my third month at WA. When I started a few months ago I knew nothing about IM. I am glad at the success I have achieved so far. Just thought I would share tis little but oh so sweet success.



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Labman_1 Premium
Wow, don't ya love it when other people think your article is worth reposting, AND they give you credit where it is due.
jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations Suzzy. Sounds like you are making good progress.