About Gregbrand
Joined May 2008
Hello! My real name is Gregor but for the sake of making my name easier to pronounce to this global public, I'll reffer to myself as Greg. It's almost identical, isn't it?

I was born on a cold winter day, February 8th 1987 in Slovenia where you can find me ever since that day. Slovenia is a very small, chicken-shaped country in southeast Europe. It's right in between Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary.

From day one on, I've been living in a very, very small village - without any kind of urban intrastructure or things like that. So what was there to left but the internet? When we got the broadband connection, I was "doomed". :) It actually started with web developing - first it was some plain and simple graphics with HTML, later on it was PHP combined with MySQL. Also the graphics are more and more sophisticated and also combined with flash animation.

But since last year or so I am falling in love with marketing. Every day, more and more. To think about it, I have some talents which are required for successful marketing, like understanding/knowledge/interest in human psychology, good writing skills, expirience from developing/programming ...

So to develop this knowledge and especially interest in the field of marketing, I've joined WA.

Now, let the marketing journey begins! I hope we'll cheer for each other down the road and see each other at the finishing line as true winners! We are the champions, aren't we? ;)
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Jane Doe Premium
a very warm welcome to you, I am also very new here. Great success to you!
Jane Doe Premium
Hi Greg, Thanx for the post and visiting my profile as well. Looking forward to working with you, I like to know all kinds of people all over the world. We have this saying in Afrikaans, "Die wereld is baie klein", this means that the world is very small. You never who you meet from where tomorrow or so.

Hey, enjoy your weekend.
Jane Doe Premium
Afrikaans and German are quite close, if you can speak Afrikaans and someone speaks slow German, you can understand, and vise versa. And Afrikaans is very close to Hollands as well. I gather you know German? I am married to a German, and I do speak a bit of German myself too. Still learning the language though.
gregbrand Premium
Hey, Jane! Tnx for visiting my profile. It's so interesting to see people from all over the world here @ WA. I'm from Europe, you're from Africa and ofcourse many members are from the America. :)
Gambling? It's bad, really bad. I don't mind sports betting of poker - if you know your stuff there, you can profit from it. But classical casino-a-like gambling - I must agree with you - is just throwing money away.

Enjoy your staying here at WA and good luck with your projects! ;)
gregbrand Premium
"We have this saying in Afrikaans, "Die wereld is baie klein", this means that the world is very small. " OMG? I can't believe that's Afrikaans. If I wouldn't know, I would think it's written by someone who doesn't speak German very well. :))) That's interesting.
gregbrand Premium
Well, to be quite honest, I suck at German. In my country's school system, German is usually second foreign language (rarely Spanish or French). And all those years I had to learn it, I did it with a ton of resilience. I would rather learn French or perfected my English to be honest. I really, really dislike German. :-(
Just an example. Yesterday, I'm drinking my Apple juice. I check out the packaging. German: ApfelfruchtsaftgetrÀnk. WTF? :)))) Apple drink - plain and simple, sounds 100x better. :)
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Gregor, Welcome to WA!! I'm only starting into week 3. You are 10 years younger than my son. He turns 30 this December and is planning to retire from his JOB by then. If you would like another buddy, I would be more than happy to be one of yours.
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Gregor, Just wondered how it's going with the 8 week action plan? You are probably doing very well with your background of computer knowledge. Let me know.
gregbrand Premium
Hello, Mary! Ofcourse, making buddys is super cool, especially such long distance buddys - across the sea. ;) And I must congratulate you for your marriage. Over thirdy years? Waw, that's really something. Nice to see such a comited couple!
evpstud Premium
Welcome to WA! We're all here to make money but we're also willing to help each other succeed. There's plenty of dough out there for all of us.
gregbrand Premium
Hello, Tyler! Thanks for posting the first buddy talk post at my profile. I see you've made it far on this marketing road, while I'm just starting my car, really. Perhaps as soon as next week, I'll make my first mile. Hope to see you soon posting on my profile and wish you the best of luck with your product. ;)
conquerapathy Premium
What's up Gregor? Welcome to WA!
conquerapathy Premium
"I hope we can become buddies here at WA, especially since we're the same age and could retire at the age 30 together." Sounds great to me! =)
gregbrand Premium
Hello, Klye, my maaaan! (like Frank Tomas from the American Gangster) ;))

If I understand correctly, you're from Ohio? Well, that's the state (in Cleveland) where most Slovenians live abroad in the US. I hope we can become buddies here at WA, especially since we're the same age and could retire at the age 30 together. ;)
moanalisa3323 Premium
Hi, Greg.Welcome to WA.
I'm in Canada, but was also born in Europe, but Western Europe.
and I lived in Amsterdam, definitely not a rural area.
Yes, you do have writing skills, and I'm convinced you will make it here.
I'm a Newbie myself, still struggling. But I'll make it.......if it kills me.
We'll meet at the top. OK?
gregbrand Premium
Hello, Joyce! It's been a joy reading your post on my profile. Your life story is very interesting, almost can't belive it. :) The situation with your kids is *so* similar to what's going on with my neighbours. They have a very big farm and ofcourse, it's tradition that the oldest boy takes it over. What happend is, they've got SIX (that's right - SIX) pretty girls, but not a boy yet. :) They are trying and trying, but still haven't done it. It's funny and sometimes very loud around their house to see all the girls playing together ... ;-)

Anyway, best of luck. In twenty years, *everything* is possible. So keep up the good work and come visit my profile again. ;)