Posts by Gud 3
August 19, 2012
Several people have asked me what the GUD stands for. It stands for Greatuncledad, and it has become my brand. Now you might wonder where I came up with that name. Well to keep a long story short it came out of the mouth of a child.We were at a family wedding and it was one of those where there had been a divorce and then the husband married a relative of his wife. So at the wedding reception the children were trying to figure out the new relationships. "That makes Joey my second cousin and Aunt
Did the title get your attention? It certainly got mine. I want to tell you about a scam that is going viral around the country and you may be the next target. I received a phone call on my cell phone, the man said, "I'm with the FBI in New York City and I have just been handed a warrant for your arrest.While your head is still swimming with that news they ask you to verify your address and social security number. If you give it to them you are done, they have your identity and they can inva
August 12, 2012
In the United States and most of the Western World we have our eating habits turned upside down. We think that we need to stop eating to be more healthy when the truth is that most of us are undernourished by our diet now. The problem is that most of what we eat is full of calories and void of other essential nutrients. Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, but it is preventable, if we only would think about food differently and use some common sense.Yes mother was right when she told us to