What is a G_U_D

Last Update: August 19, 2012
Several people have asked me what the GUD stands for. It stands for Greatuncledad, and it has become my brand. Now you might wonder where I came up with that name. Well to keep a long story short it came out of the mouth of a child.
We were at a family wedding and it was one of those where there had been a divorce and then the husband married a relative of his wife. So at the wedding reception the children were trying to figure out the new relationships. "That makes Joey my second cousin and Aunt Sadie my Great Aunt" ???
We got to a point where I had told one of the children that made my wife Sally his Great Aunt and my youngest son asked me if that made me Great Uncle Dad? Well it stuck. he started calling me Gud and even on my birthday cards I am often addressed as Greatuncledad. When I was looking for a brand to put on my T-shirt business it was catchy and memorable and seems to work. so there you have it, that is what Gud stands for.
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Renni Premium
That is so cute! I'm keeping my ears open around my new great-nephew once he starts really talking :)
BIS Premium
Thats a really sweet story and has given you a cute brand name. Funny how often kids nail it.
