"Negativity Sucks"

Last Update: June 26, 2010

Hey WA Friends,

I think you'll agree, negativity affects all of us, and we experience it on a daily basis.

Whether,it's at the coffee shop listening to a customer complain or at work listening to co-workers or bosses demean your fellow workers. 

I had a bad week at my offline job, this week because I ask a simple question, about a procedural change and you know what my bosses response was.

" Shut The F**K Up and Do Your Job"

This is the kinda of negativity we can all live with-out. I understand he's under a lot of stress etc. But that's no excuse for that kind of response to a simple question.

Anyway, I don't let negativity like this get to me, I told my boss,when he can come up with better answer, he knows where I am, end of discussion.

I'm a very positive person, and life is too short to dwell on the negative.

I'm sure all of you have seen the negative response's to the launch of WordPress Express.

I have to ask, Why? So Negative??

This new program solves a problem, that many new members here @ WA , that are also new too marketing in general have been experiencing, when it comes to getting a site up and running.

That is to have the capability to have a site-up and running, so you can get your feet wet and see what it's like to actually have site with your own domain name.

I don't know about, you, but that's pretty exciting for most first timers, to have a site up and to be able to work on it etc.

Kyle & Carson addressed a problem that was obvious by all the post in the forums with wordpress installation problems etc.

I give them full credit for addressing this problem,and for launching this program that will help many of us that  are new  here @ WA.

I know Wordpress Express will make my marketing efforts a lot easier and I'm sure it will only get better with future upgrades etc.

Wealthy Affiliate is great place to learn about affiliate marketing, and the community here is awesome, and I enjoy the forum and all the resources that many of the members provide for everyone.

So why ruin it, with all the negativity, if you have a complaint or something negative to say.

Use the proper to channels to solve your problems, and leave it out of the forums etc.

I have the right to express my opinion, and so doe's everyone else here. But, when the negativity affects and or demeans the efforts of everyone here @ WA to make this a great community for everyone.

Then, it's time to stop the negativity and use the proper channels to resolve the issues causing the negativity.

We're all here for the same reason, and that's to learn and succeed at affiliate marketing and marketing in general, so let's keep a positive frame of mind and work together to achieve our goals together.

Thanks Brian


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jatdebeaune Premium
I agree with you Brian. I shield myself from negativity and try to inspire others with positive thinking. What people need to understand is that there is no way one size can fit all at WA because we have people at every level of development. WA has beginners, intermediate marketers and advanced marketers. I think Kyle and Carson have done a remarkable job producing a learning site that can reach all levels. The people who seem to be the most frustrated are the very very beginners and the very advanced. WA is a smorgasborg. You won't need everything that is offered, but you'll find what you do need.