Totally Lost Focus

Last Update: July 09, 2010

Hey WA'ers

I'm sure I not alone, and a few of you have experienced this also. Over the last two weeks I have lost all focus on what I'm supposed to be doing, and the goals I have set for myself.

I've been concentrating on getting my site-up, and it's been really frustrating working with the new wordpress 3.0 with all the bugs in it, and then the problems with WA hosting, which are now fixed.

Maybe I'm suffering from information overload, and just need to slowdown and concentrate on one task at a time.

I'd really appreciate your advice and guidance on how to stay focused,and on track.

Thanks Brian


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jatdebeaune Premium
Brian, It's so easy to get overwhelmed.You can't possibly do everything at once. I'd just focus on the website for now, getting it the way you want it. Then you can market your product. At Jay's webinar, it was suggested that I re-do my 2 websites with Wordpress. Here's goes nothing! Has to be done. Once your website is functioning, I think the rest will fall in place for you.
dec944 Premium
I think we all go through peaks and troughs no matter what job or business we are in. I actually did a blog post one day when I was struggling and dancing myself all over the gym. After I did the post I got back to business. Here is the link:

I have found I lose my "focus" when I don't know what to do next. It is pure avoidance. This is why I say, make a plan, find a process that works for you and execute relentlessly. We find focus through knowing what to do and execution.

Shake it off. Things will look brighter in the light of your plan.
Hawk51 Premium
Hey Jay, and Moonvine

Thanks for the comments, Jay I was late getting n your live broadcast, and must have missed that part, I will watch it again and take notes.

Moonvine,excellent advice and so simple to do. WA is a great community to be a member of, and the resources here are beyond anything I've seen else where, I think that's where i lose focus, i just want to gobble up all this information, and forget to just concentrate on one task at a time etc.

I will be back on task now, thanks for the advice
have a great day Moonvine and Jay

magistudio Premium
Hey Brian - not sure if you watched my live broadcast today, but this is a topic I touched on. There will be a replay made available within the next day, so keep an eye out for the link on my WA blog.
moonvine Premium
I struggle with that same issue. the thing that works best for me is a list of 5 things to do every day no matter what. somehow that helps me stay on target. hope that helps.