It Would Be So Much Harder Without You!

Last Update: January 31, 2011

Oh, boy. There is so much to this affiliate internet marketing business. It is straightforward, and none of the pieces come as easily as one would like.

I appreciated what Labman said about writing. 

It really is about writing:

  • Text in the websites
  • Follow-up messages and web forms
  • Articles, and more articles

It's also about planning and analysis:

  • Niche and keywords;
  • The map for the work -- I need to see where everything is headed, and what comes next;
  • Planning the products and offers;
  • Planning for the campaign - letters, follow up;
  • And then analyzing everything - stats and where visitors come from, and the traits of those that click and buy. 

Then, rinse and repeat.

I've gotten some great feedback from a number of WA members during the last two weeks regarding my website. My site visitors were reading my "Tips & Tools" article much more than they were checking out the free WA offer and opting in.  So, thanks for your feedback, interest and support: Barb BKB2012, Labman, Morlandroger, Ezinewriter, Deb, lovin_life67, and Marcus.  

It would be so much harder without you!


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Labman_1 Premium
Awww, Thanks.