About Prlace
Joined September 2008
I am a Capricorn and I like long walks on the beach. Wait . . . wrong profile. Here let's try this again.

By day I am a lawyer and like most lawyers I rather be doing something else. So as you guessed that's why I'm here. I am hoping that affiliate marketing will allow me to break the chains that bind.

I came to this site after a few weeks of intensive, web surfing. I was looking for a way to make additional income (darn those student loans). I am sure that I am not the first one to tell you that there are a lot of scams out there. Thankfully, my day job has taught me to do my homework before making a commitment. I was looking into another affiliate program when I stumbled across this one.

I honestly don't know how I found this website. But after doing some research and reading through countless reviews. (I only found one review that I thought was even remotely negative and he was endorsing the program.) After thinking about what I wanted from the program and making lists of all of the pros and cons and then revising those lists. (I know there is medication for that). There were surprisingly few cons. Okay there was only one--fear. Yes I know that%u2019s a big one, but I think it has more to do with the fear of finally moving forward and hopefully out of the law.

Here's to what I hope will be a new future.

Thanks for actually making it through the entire profile. I hope I didn't go on too long, but please send any suggestions my way.
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Hedda Premium
Welcome, I'm also a newbie. But, this website has been very informative and it seems to be a tight community. I'm more than sure you'll get the help and assistance you need to make this work for you.
prlace Premium
Thanks for the encouragement!
DLS1 Premium
To a new future. I lookd forward to hearing great news about you. Im sure you will do well as long as you want to do well :). Many things to learn and much to earn here. Have fun with it. Later.
Stellar Premium
Hello prlace, you have an highly entertaining About Me section...really enjoyed it! Yeah, I know about those annoying student loans. I'm in the same boat. Over $200,000 student loans to be exact. But I stopped worrying about them a long time ago and started moving forward (as you mention), and all the right pieces fell into place. Yes, there are a lot of scams out there, yet the ethical business opportunities will always prevail (and the ones who promote scams will one day see their fatal error, lol!) : ) I'm adding you to my buddy list! Good luck with your internet marketing business. Blessings, Sandra.
Stellar Premium
Thanks for adding me as a buddy too! It's great to find a lawyer with a heart AND a personality. We need more cool lawyers in the world...I admire you for having the patience and discipline to go through all the schooling. Even if you're transitioning out of law, your knowledge and experience is a gold mine for your future projects.

I really appreciate your words of encouragement, and I'm excited that you resonate with the websites. If you're interested in participating in the Power of One program, let me know. You can read about it and view the photojournalism galleries on RockStellar.com. My brother and I are planning to create a documentary about it this year or next year...

And we're embarking on 2 major contests to raise funds for the documentary, the program, the non-profit that runs it, and our future non-profit group (go to my space and read about the contests in the blog section)...

I'd appreciate your personal opinions/insight and/or any legal advice on the contests (I don't really resonate with my current lawyer): I'll PM you with more details, as soon as I create the official content pages for the 2 contests and publish them to my home biz site.

Who knows, maybe we can work together in the future on some global evolution projects! Take care, Sandra.
prlace Premium
OMG you websites are totally amazing. (I'm resisting the urge to say you rock, because that goes without saying.) You are doing the type of work that I always dreamed of doing and was the real reason for my becoming a lawyer. I will be spending alot of time with your sites. Thanks for the encouragement and I hope to work with you.

Also, thanks for adding me as a buddy. I am definitely enjoying the initial honeymoon phase.
Wojo Premium
pr, welcome aboard. loved the profile...made me laugh.

anyways here to success!
Wojo Premium
im just getting started with it actually....been reading up on it, trying to focus on my keyword research and optimize my landing pages.....i have 6 campaigns going right now, split testing two adds for each one....so i keeps me busy..
are you running any adwords campaings?
prlace Premium
I'm glad someone finally appreciates me for my brain. Good luck; how are you doing on google?
prlace Premium
I haven't tried adwords, I had one campaigen through another affiliate program that totally bombed. Right now I was thinking about trying the "Strip the Fat" campaign. It's not something I would probably probably try, but I figured since WA laid out the basic program, it may be a great way to get my feet wet without to much anxiety. Once I get comfortable branch out to stuff that is more interesting to me.