About Indigomind
Joined March 2008
Hey everyone!

Just a gal who's trying to make a living online. I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to dealing with people face-to-face. So I'm hoping internet marketing could save me from all that.

My passion - Music, Art and Cooking

Here's hoping one day I could build a niche website based on my passion and earn an handsome income from it!



Recently, I received my biggest check ever from CB! It's four digits!!
I held on to the check for a few days and was planning to take a photo with it. Somehow in the midst of the excitement, which lasted a few days by the way, I deposited the check without 'photographing' it first. Doh!

So, for memory's sake, my dad took a photo of me and the envelope instead!
Indigomind's Accomplishments

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C. Premium
People are scary, but remember we all put our pants on one leg at a time. :)

Matthew Premium
That painting looks really good! I wish you all the best in your Internet Marketing endeavor. What place are you there by the sea?
indigomind Premium
Thanks Matthew. That photo by the sea is in the Philippines. My dad won 2 free tickets at some company's function, awesome! Good luck on your journey to IM too!
evpstud Premium
Reading your story there, I remember the same thing happened to me with my first 4-figure check. I got so excited I didn't take a picture. Now on direct deposit it isn't as fun...but I like getting the money faster.
indigomind Premium
Hi Tyler,
Glad to know I'm not the only one! Thanks for dropping by my space ;-p
HealthSupplier Premium
To indigomind:

I enjoy music, art, and cooking as well.

To be honest with you, the basics of any business, even IM, involves working with people. Even though you may not have to talk to people face to face, you still have to be willing to talk to people on the phone occasionally.
Anyway, I hope you find success here at WAU!


Bkv1182 Premium
Welcome Indigomind, I hope all your wildest dreams come true
indigomind Premium
Hi there. All the best to you too and make it happen! Cheers!