Posts by Isabelle 2
January 03, 2010
Things are so much going on, that I forgot to write the Blog Post itself *lol* I have finished two lenses now, wrote two Articles and am waiting now to get indexed. Normally I wanted to make a third lens today, but I feel a bit weak today. Let's see what I can do. Oh please, let me see only one sale very soon! This would be sooooo motivating. Okay, a bit traffic would be enough for the beginning =)  PR: wait...  I: wait...  L: wait...  LD: wait...  I: wait... wa
December 31, 2009
So, I am sitting here at the PC. Midnight has gone and the new Year here in Germany is exact 1 hour and 15 Minutes fresh.  There was no Party for me tonight. But I don't care. One reason are my little kids and the lack of a babysitter, if I would have wanted one. But I did not want one. I enjoyed it absolutely to have a normal, chaotic family day. My four-year old felt asleep ten Minutes before Midnight. Tomorrow he will be angry, that he missed the fireworks... =)  I am a member here