A new beginning

Last Update: December 31, 2009

So, I am sitting here at the PC. Midnight has gone and the new Year here in Germany is exact 1 hour and 15 Minutes fresh.

 There was no Party for me tonight. But I don't care. One reason are my little kids and the lack of a babysitter, if I would have wanted one. But I did not want one. I enjoyed it absolutely to have a normal, chaotic family day. My four-year old felt asleep ten Minutes before Midnight. Tomorrow he will be angry, that he missed the fireworks... =)

 I am a member here for about three weeks now. I began to read here. Enjoyed the community. But not have made use of the Forums enough to be honest. One reason was the so newbie-typical feeling of being totally overwhelmed by information overload. I took my dosis also from the outside of WA, oh yes. Searching for new things, without really knowing for what I am searching...

 But that feeling begins to disappear and I realize a strong desire to begin working! My dutys as a mom don't let me be effective as I want to be. But I don't want to claim, because that is how it is. And I will make it, so or so. Staying optimistic, right? =)

Here is the new year. It's a new beginning. So here I come!

I promise to myself, that this year will make a real difference to my life. Open the door for me and my family to improve our Life Circumstances enormously. No, I don't expect to make millions at the end of the year, although they would be very welcome =) , but only to realize by myself, that it is really possible to make money online, will make a difference.

 By now I have heard of a couple of people here and outside, whom I believe, what they tell about their earnings. But it is not the same as the moment, when I will make my first sale. And so God will, this day will come very soon.

 I hope, that the next two days, I will have picked a niche and my keywords. And then the real adventure will begin. I look forward to it!

 I wish everyone here a FANTASTIC, successful, happy and healthy, wonderful and wealthy NEW YEAR  =)

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Shawn Martin Premium
The best to you!
ellyngeorge Premium
All the very, very best to you in this new year! I wish you and your family a wonderful new year. It is now 7:22 p.m. here in cold, cold WI, so we are still living in the old year and looking forward to the new.