Is it just me or is membership down?

Last Update: November 24, 2010

Hey everyone. I have been noticing lately that it seems to be getting harder and harder to get answers or feedback on the forums. I am getting less views and everything seems to be down. Also it seems days at a time before I see NEW members on the homepage. Is this just me or have others noticed this as well?

 Also since I have people here reading my first blog (hopefully) could you take a minute and look at my web page promoting Satellite Direct?

 This is my first real landing page that I am trying hard to rank for. So far I have been building lots of BL through forum sigs and using FTS. I have around 35 BLS after a month. I have 2 more articles being accepted into FTS so that should get it up to nearly 90 in 2 weeks or so.

 Anyways does this page look good enough or do enough to get decent CTR?

 Thank you!

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