RON PAUL 2012! - What it means

Last Update: January 04, 2012

I know WA isn't much of a political community, but I am very excited after my Iowa Caucus's where Ron Paul came in the top 3, just behind Romney and Santorum. Romney and Santorum were seperated by just 8 votes, but in grand scale of things each candidate got 7 delegates towards the RNC in June.This is a MAJOR win for Ron Paul who is continously black balled by the media.

It really irritates me how the media ignores Dr. Paul. He is the only candidate who actually cares about personal liberties and freedoms and has voted against every bill that imposes against our freedoms and the constitution. There is lots of legislation and laws that impose greatly on them. Most Americans have zero clue about this which is alarming.

Of the candidates left, Perry and Bachmann seem to be dropping out, Ron Paul is the only candidate who actually has a, written in ink, plan exactly detailing how $1 trillion dollars is going to be cut in year one of his presidency and how by the 3rd year the budget will be balanced and the debt will, at that point, be greatly reduced with NO NEW DEBT BEING ADDED!

The establishment is afraid of Ron Paul and will attempt to discredit him any which was possible, but something is happening. People are getting pissed off of the "status quo" and are waking up to a guy who has stood behind is platform of personal liberties and freedoms and strong monetary policy sense for over 30 years. When you create a mass exodus of people that are opening up to him and getting onboard, well LOOK OUT!

Can't wait for New Hampshire on Tuesday and beyond :)


P.S. Who else on here likes Ron Paul?

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