April birthdays

Last Update: April 01, 2010

Cheers to everyone in the WA family celebrating an April birthday!!

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Not2Late Premium
well it's not my birthday, not even close but so nice of you to take the time to wish people a happy one :)
markymarkk Premium
Thanks....April 4th...This year on Easter! whoo hoo! Maybe there's something involving a rabbit or bunny in my immediate future....hmmm...lol...Wishful thinking..lol
cld111 Premium
Happy birthday WA'ers! (Slugger_mn - my son's birthday is April 17th too! That's a great day. :) )
Slugger_mn Premium
My Birthday is April 17th! wahoo!!! haha
jatdebeaune Premium
Hmmmm Happy Birthday if it is your birthday this month. I have family members born in April. They're the coolest!