About JaneBoss
Joined June 2009
My name is Boss.

Jane BOSS.

I don't do drugs - only Tylenol.

And hot yoga - what a high!

I'm not really into the taste of alcohol, but, one of my favorite drinks is the Apple Martini.


Umm, I'm a girl.


Love me some Kanye West singing: "My Big Ego", with Beyonce dancing in the background with a diamond cane - yeah, now that's what I'm talking about.


Yes, I'll take it all, honey.

Because I'm worth it.

Alright - here's a quick bio.

Like Mike Filsaime before he came onto the IM scene and out of nowhere, with no warning, completely took over the net, I've been quietly studying all things internet marketing for the past 3 years.

Because I didn't want to work a j-o-b anymore and the salary wasn't allowing me to prance around in lipstick, high heels - Made by PRADA.

I went through some serious trials and pain throughout my online marketing study. Lost friends. Blew up my credit cards. Even lost my apartment and had no where to live.

My poor dog.

But, I kept plugging away at my goal - which was to beat Yanik's aZZ and show him how a real woman BLING, BLINGS.

Kidding, Yanik.

I've had a crush on you for some time now - until I learned you married. And that messed up our future BIG TIME.

So, I moved on - and developed a crush on Eben Pagen.



I digress.

I know everything there is to know about:

- Article Marketing

- Blogging

- Keyword Research

- Forum Marketing

- Creating Marketing Tools 4 Affiliates

- Product Creation

- Affiliate Marketing

- Traffic Generation

- Membership sites

- Pleasing Eben Pagen (gotcha!)

- Joint Venture Marketing

- PLR (Private Label Rights)

- Resale Rights

- List building (I've finally started building mine!)

- 1/2 of that SEO mumbo jumbo

- A spoonful of Adsense (the penny game!)

- Big chunk of copywriting

- Small taste of ebay marketing

- A smidgen of building basic websites (but they're ugly, ya'll)

- & lots and lots more

So, Yanik, Filsaime, and Reese - I'm coming for you's.

To kick your aSS.

Like a woman should.

Kidding, boys.

Sort of.

JaneBoss's Accomplishments

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D to the I to the V to the A! You go girl!
DrMarie Premium
HiYa! Great Pic! Shows your personality! :) I would like to have you for a bud since you seem to know alot about things I want to learn. Best of luck, Dr. Marie :)
JaneBoss Premium
Dr. Marie...not sure if I replied. So, waving you hello, now!! :-)
uridium Premium
Hey Jane, you sure are the boss - great striking photo and I'm loving those high cheek bones! :-) Thanks for your comment on my guide, you cpmment made me laugh (although made me worried at first ha ha) - Ok, well, I look forward to seeing you around the forum. p.s Your profile intro is also awesome, very original! - Take care, Phil.
uridium Premium
You really are a character!! Crikey, you kicked him in the nuts?? Did he have to pay for that or was it on the house?
uridium Premium
My goodness, you are hardcore, I can't wait to see your marketing, I think people will be afraid NOT to buy from you...uhhh....what are you selling, can I have some!! ha ha ha - p.s, you're slacking on your photos....just one photo??? C'mon, sort it out! :-)
uridium Premium
As long as you're gonna wearthe same outfit in the photo, that's fine! :->
uridium Premium
I'm white????? Nobody told me!!???? Yeah, grass skirts and coconuts sounds good! So c'mon then, let's see the goods! ha ha
JaneBoss Premium
Hi Phil,

So sorry it took me this long to actually SEE your words here. Can you believe that after months of being here that I STILL don't know how things work fully? Well, I can't say that I was trying to learn every day how to navigate the membership, but, I'm now becoming serious about my paid membership here and actually reading the forum. Even had a fight and was kicking a dude's nuts - I know. I know. I'm a bad girl. Especially on forums, but, I will make every effort to be nice here. Well, a little nice. And a little evil. hehhehehe
JaneBoss Premium
LOL. It was definitely a sweet gift on the house. Next time, I'll make him lick the strange white dog shizzit that pop up on the streets of big cities from out of nowhere. What IS that? :-)
JaneBoss Premium
Hi Phil,

I keep forgetting to check these little boxes to see if I have a message. I'm actually in a niche market where the folks love to buy ebooks. Nah, don't think it has anything to do with me. It's the rabid buyer market. I have other pics - I'll post them soon. Some are of my boxer dog - she's in a revealing bikini. Tramp. :-)
JaneBoss Premium
Heya white boy! I haven't logged on here for days. As far as outfits go -- I'm thinking grass skirt and coconuts since I'm here in the Caribbean Islands. Don't you just HATE me?! lol.
armywife52 Premium
It's got a nice ring to it. I checked out your forum post. And I'm thinkin.. who the hell is this? lol.
Nice profile, not gonna lie I did have a good laugh reading through it. Addin' ya to my buddy list*
armywife52 Premium
Yes u replied :)! Sorry i didn't write back sooner i've been wicked busy the last week. Thanks! Everyone in school though it was hilarous that "witch" rhymed with bitch, so it was a fond expression for my peers :) ha. Hows marketing treatin ya?
armywife52 Premium
Lol :-).
You seem bad, but that's fine. Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere ;) Writing for the rich eh? Sounds like a great time! You'll get to your full blown scale I'm sure. I've only been doing this for a few months so I don't consider myself very good at it yet ;) but right now I've got 4 websites done, and I'm just writing articles in my spare time. Trying to bring in some money so my husband will stop givin' me hell about this Internet Marketing. =]
armywife52 Premium
Really? thats awesome boss :) okay, i'm thinking i'm going to have to go for my http://www.cash-or-conflict.com .. :) it's a make money online site. I know I know, so flooded with affiliates, but i really like that site :) my middle name is jane too, so thats the "name" i go by on that site. Thanks a bunch dollface, i'm stoked to check out the keywords you come up with!
armywife52 Premium
Okay, I looked over them again and I'm thinking I'm leaning towards the "Lead Generation System" .. it's the most appealing. :) Thanks again, you rock boss*!
JaneBoss Premium
Hiya hon! I don't know if I replied already - still trying to learn how this membership works. I love your tv show!! :-)
JaneBoss Premium
Who da hell you calling a BITCH, BITCH? Teasing! :-)

I'm a bad girl, if you don't know that already. Marketing is treating me, you ask? Well, I'm working on this project that I'm hoping goes viral. Also, I ghostwrite for the rich. That said, my goal is to be an info-marketer on a full blown scale. What are you working on?
JaneBoss Premium
One word of advice - focus on just ONE website. Write articles for that site. If you give me the topic of your choice - I'll research the keywords for you and send them over. No pay. It's on me.
JaneBoss Premium
Yes, really my dear. :-) Girl, I haven't logged in for days, so, I don't know how long your message has been sitting here without a boy to keep it company. Let me take a look at your site and get back to you.
JaneBoss Premium
Armywife: Okay, checked out the site. And I have one question before I proceed. Of all the programs you're pushing, which ONE (pick just one, Jane) do you feel a strong connection with and want to solely promote? Let me know and I'll give you my thoughts and a keyword/marketing plan.