About Uridium
Joined October 2007
Wealthy Affiliate Rules! Leaving soon, but it's been great.

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Hey Phil, just read your IM laser, it kind of opened my stubborn brain a little more, hey surprised to here you like Opeth, they aren't bad, I saw them 2wice. I am more in to the brutal death metal side, deicide, Cephalotripsy, I just saw Obituary the other night. I have a band "Befoulment" -youtube! Some live songs on there. (I am the singer)
Anyways, I am assuming you make a good living at IM? I am wondering, do promote tons of things off clickbank? Like all different things, with 10 different landing pages for each product? I am all over the place here, and want to get focused.
uridium Premium
Hey Fellow Brit! I my opion (and many others) you should send to your own page first where you can capture their name. Firstly, it means you have more than one opportunity to put your offer in front of them (some peopole take up to 7 times to see an offer before they buy), but more importantly, you can then promote to this person again and again with other related products for free, just by sending an email. ALWAYS, get their names and build a list, that should be your main priority in affiliate marketing. So, what's your fave maiden album, mine would be Killers, and also from the Bruce era, somewhere in time.

uridium Premium
Sorry mate, only just checked back here for first time in ages! Yeah, used to have a 64, best pc at the time I would say although many would say the speccy, both were cool and I spent many wasted hours on those things! One of the best games has to be Ghosts 'n' Goblins ;)
garyt1992 Premium
Hi uridium I really appreciate your taking the time to review my original web site. I know it isn't very good. I am beginning to learn what I need to do and am in week 4 of the training. I was into Tai Kwando to the Black belt level in 1985. Now i'm 74 and do Tai Chi every day. To old for fighting but not for thinking. Again I thank you for your time. The best of luck with your IM and the rest of your life. My son was into all the heavy metal bands.
Did you used to have a Commodore 64?