Don't Get Stuck on Campaigns That Don't Work

Last Update: July 20, 2010

Dear Campaign,

You and I have spent a lot of time together. We have really bonded. I feel like I know you inside and out. But you just aren't giving me what I need. I don't want to sound shallow, but I need money from you.

I know, I know, you thought I was only into you for your looks. You are pretty hot. But without the money, you just don't do it for me.

I'm moving on to other campaigns. Campaigns that put out. Campaigns that put out A LOT! Campaign sluts if you will.

I will check back in with you to see if you've had a change of heart. But for now, we are through.

Don't call me, I'll call you.


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kpcwriting Premium
LMAO - I love it - I love it...I have a few campaigns that I just might have to can. Is it OK if I borrow your Dear John letter?
iFaith Premium
LOL! A Dear John letter that just might work. Sometimes, it takes some radical even cheesy way to finally say goodbye to a non-working campaign and finally move on the next. Saying goodbye can be pretty tough, I know. Say bye bye by selling your campaign site or blog. Learn from it; squeeze as much dollars out of it by selling it and don't let it collect cyber dust.
Old Mizer Premium
Interesting analogy. I would say there are plenty of sluts out there to be had. While the noble, loyal ones stick to the first one they met. I say, "BREAK FREE!" We all know the first campaign you were directed to start in the lessons here. Let it go and search for new niches to campaign on. Don't stay stuck week after week waiting for that first one to produce. The one that promised you the world and yet, has delivered nothing. It's time to move on.
Slugger_mn Premium
I have dumped and been cheated on by many campaigns.. Some campaigns just aren't good enough for me... haha
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey, Have we even met?