Posts by Jaymekl 6
So I have been watching the trainings and blogs and forum posts mount in piles in my inbox and am WAY behind! And now I am heading to BC for a choral competition and tour with concerts every day! So what's a gal to do? I thought about asking if y'all could stand still for a couple of weeks ;0 but instead I think I'll opt for an attempt at finding wifi as often as possible and checking in on my smart phone to keep tabs on everything going on! I will be champing at the bit to star
It feels like forever since I last wrote a personal progress blog. Perhaps because I got stuck - and the place where I end up when I am stuck seems eternal and devastating.Here I was following the 30 Day Training with various and sundry side trips into additional trainings - some of which confused me more, but all of which eventually returned back to the same message. Keep moving .... it will fall into place WILL make sense! I was clicking along...taking notes, bookmarking pages, starting
Just about the time my 10 day trial ended I ended up sick as a dog and thus took an enforced break from WA. I am back and am glad I took the break (although Kyle's golf break sounds like more fun than mine). I am re-reading, reviewing and find that in the process some of the material that was too much/too fast is now sinking in. Don't get me wrong..i still don't have a clue, (insert hysterical laughter here) but there are actual glimpses of English mixed with the "Greek"! I have
May 14, 2012
I started two different blogs last night when I hit a roadblock putting content in my website.  I erased both, but I find I need to acknowledge what has been going on before I can move forward.   I live in central Mexico, in a small community on a lake in what til now has been an idyllic setting.  Some of you may have seen news stories about the 18 mutilated bodies found near a "popular tourist spot".  Well those bodies represent the sons and daughters of the beaut
May 09, 2012
I cannot tell you how great I feel. Almost breathless ... like I've been climbing the mountains outside my home! I have a domain name (insert imaginary jig of your choice here). I chose it, I purchased it with help from a wonderful video on using GoDaddy from WELSHY (9 , then I forgot to get the *%&^%* DNS re-pointed (and once again conquered the dread of asking for help) - went to Live Chat ... GOT MY ANSWERS (bless Lionseye
1 comment
May 07, 2012
OK, I am new here - in my 10 day trial and am blown away by the sheer volume of information. BUT, I am learning.  I have decided to track my progress by noting the steps I am taking and the trainings I am reading as well as the interactions and articles and blogs that I am reading of other WA affiliates.  If nothing else I hope this will help me sort through all the information - but perhaps some others new to WA may find a topic here that interests them too.  First day - I we