
Last Update: May 07, 2012

OK, I am new here - in my 10 day trial and am blown away by the sheer volume of information. BUT, I am learning.  I have decided to track my progress by noting the steps I am taking and the trainings I am reading as well as the interactions and articles and blogs that I am reading of other WA affiliates.  If nothing else I hope this will help me sort through all the information - but perhaps some others new to WA may find a topic here that interests them too. 

First day - I went to IveTriedThat's article on navigating the process here at WA.  It was very helpful and nice to find the person who recommended the site to me somewhere accessible.  I followed his advice to get a profile of some sort up right away and checked out some people who were posting to start to get connected to the network.  If I invite people to come check out WA I will follow IveTriedThat's example and find a way to welcome them with some guidance once they arrive...Well Done Steve!   I also read through "Learn How WA Works" in the Recommended Training section. 

Somewhere in this first day I connected to an article by PotPieGirl that was an interview about her career in internet marketing  - which I now have to locate again so I can log the name.  Loved the information and the sheer enthusiasm of PotPieGirl and will be "following" her. 

I know I checked out several other articles and trainings til my head was spinning and then went to the meat of the training - just to make this real!  Getting Started led me to the 30 Day Course where I dutifully read day one and once again am agonizing over my choice of niche.

Day Two - Back into the fray.  I am not about to let the volume of information do me is too exciting!  So I start this day with a WAbinar that sounds tailor-made for day 2 - "Fast Attack Guide to Online Marketing".  HOW FABULOUS!  to my delight there is a rather long discussion about niches...just what I needed.  I loved the holiday idea.  I will be using that one.  There was also great information about keywords and how to select them.   I will be living  L plus T times F equals S.  This was the first time today that I heard the advice "write for the people - not the search engine". 

I then saw an article/blog post by Manov about holiday top ten lists , which reinforced the suggestion from the Wabinar. 

I then got very bold and joined the live chat and had the pleasure of getting some niche questions answered by Kyle.  This was actually a stretch for me as I am not accustomed to asking for help...especially "in front of" people who I am certain must all know MUCH more than I do.  No one laughed - at least not AT me - and I got great advice and learned from some of the other conversations as well.  My final training for the day sent me to the WA Super Affiliate Training  which I am part way through.  I have to complete the "homework" on the Research and Finding Keywords page. 

I suspect I will be dreaming about niches and keywords...

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jchilders Premium
Welcome to WA! Yes, there is a TON of information here..that is good and bad in my opinion. :) Good that it's all there...bad because when you are new you want to learn it ALL! haha

You seem to be taking a good structured approach, just be sure that you TAKE ACTION on what you learn and not try to learn it all first. Accept that you will make mistakes in the beginning (we all do/did) but learn from them, correct them, and don't get discouraged. Consistent action is what will win the day in the long run.
jaymekl Premium
Thanks for the feedback. I was actually tempted to make a suggestion to Kyle and Carson that they "hide" most of the information available for us new people. Lol. Instead I decided to track my process thru the blog. Dual purpose being that I can start to get used to writing!
Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome to the zoo. :)
jaymekl Premium
WayneBPK Premium
Welcome my dear. Its always fun when you start a new venture. I am interested in seeing the type of articles you will produce:)
jaymekl Premium man of the "Kyle cardboard cutout". Thanks for the welcome and chat advice. Now get back to work!;-p
BIS Premium
Hi Jay - Welcome to WA. You certainly will be dreaming about niches and keywords if you've caught the bug! You've done a great job for your first couple of days. If you find yourself stuck at all do drop into the Live Chat and ask.

Best wishes

jaymekl Premium
Thanks Beverley! I am sure you will see me there.
Andynstah Premium
"I suspect I will be dreaming about niches and keywords..." That is very funny.

Well done Jay, sounds like you are having a good time and learning a lot. Even the gurus have been at a point where they new absolutely nothing. We all have probably asked the same questions you are asking at some point too so no need to feel shy here, we are all here to learn.
jaymekl Premium
Thanks for the reinforcement!