I just wanna be, I just wanna be successful...

Last Update: January 22, 2010

Hey whats goin' on everyone! It feels like its been a while since I wrote a blog on here! So any new updates from me? Not really, still learning and reading, a lot of reading, about affiliate marketing. I wish there was like a quiz or something so I know I can recall all the information that I learned LOL. Hey! This is a University right? Ha! But yeah, I might need some help after the Training Center. Like what is the BEST way to get started once training is over ya know? I know a lot of people here are eager to answer my unsaid questions. I'll have to right some questions down after reading about the different things offered here. I wish I had more hours in a day to get to know everyone here, but I'll just have to take it day by day and see where it takes me. I can count on everyone here though, no empty connections in WA =) 

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Slugger_mn Premium
Haha... I remember this phase very well.. things will start clicking friend.. Keep moving forward you can do it!