Posts by John326 4
Guys I apologize but I have to close out the first  fan page and start this new one under my Facebook page... The Wealth Affiliates Facebook fan page link is: Facebook Fan page Thanks for the stopping by and joining, and lets make that fan page as active as we can to show people how great this place !
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Even though I havent blogged in a few days I have been hard at work trying to tinker with the blog and funnel system here and with the help of a fellow student I have my blog up and running, *****note a special shout out to Jackie Regalado Thank you so much for your help!!***** She is why this place is so very cool! Ok so I created a facebook page so we can spread the word far and wide, if anyone is reading this please swing by add yourself as a friend and post a message. And if anyone wants to
June 07, 2010
Ok, just got home from work and answered a bunch of welcome messages from people here on "wa", Time to hit the study materials and see where it takes me. This is day 2, its beautiful here in new york, the sun is bright and warm, its close to 7pm now and my brain is telling me to check my fantasy baseball stats, turn on espn, see how the yankees and mets are doing, and hope to god that the jets do well this season...oh boy losing focussss,,,,, nope i refuse, i am going to study my mater
June 06, 2010
My first step....   I have been trying internet marketing for 6 months now, I have a computer filled with purchased content and gadgets and who knows what else...I have not made a dime. I have tried to teach myself how to do internet marketing, and its been the most frustrating thing  I have tried to do. I am here to start from the beginning again. To learn and to be teachable, so if there are any newbies like me that want to get together and help each other out by all means send me a