Facebook page created for WA students

Last Update: June 14, 2010

Even though I havent blogged in a few days I have been hard at work trying to tinker with the blog and funnel system here and with the help of a fellow student I have my blog up and running,

*****note a special shout out to Jackie Regalado Thank you so much for your help!!*****

She is why this place is so very cool!

Ok so I created a facebook page so we can spread the word far and wide, if anyone is reading this please swing by add yourself as a friend and post a message. And if anyone wants to chip in with comments and cool tips and tricks to get people interested by all means...add your links where you can and lets make a communty on facebook..


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moonvine Premium
Great idea, John! I joined!
RSM Premium
Just signed up. My confirmation hasn't come through yet to confirm. But then, these things take time.