About Johnson1506
Joined October 2008
After 7 years working as a Webmaster responsible for several large server clusters (Web Servers, and Windows Small Business Servers) and designing websites, I decided to form Dynamic Media Ltd in Kidderminster, Worcestershire to specialise in Website Design and SEO.

...Okay... borring borring borring,.. who cares about my technical knowlegde :-)

Lets get to the real reason I am here! - My wife and I have a little girl and another one on the way, and I'm desperate to realise the dream of making money online with article/ affiliate marketing!

If I can help you in any way, add me to your buddy list and Ill do what I can. Also I would appreciate any advice you can give. to make the learning curve a little smoother!

Keep up the hard work... xx
Johnson1506's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Welcome, J! You are going to make a bundle here! Great background. This is the place to Learn to Earn. Do your 8-week Action plan and do the task, at least one each day. Most IMPORTANT is to send a PM to Kyle or Carson, not both, for personal tutoring that will not cost you one red cent. Tell him what you are doing so that he can check things out for you. You will get an answer every other day to your questions. It took me three months to start bringing in some money. Last month, my fourth month, I earned almost $700 using Bum Marketing (free) techniques that I knew about but was doing incorrectly until I came to WA. Click on my pic to respond. Good Luck! I'm going to peek at your sites to see what I can learn. I have a lot of sites but I haven't done a great job on them, but I am getting a little better. John
TJ Books Premium
OH, I traveled to England a lot, every quarter for some time. I went to Stoke or Devon or Cornwall. John
TJ Books Premium
Is Dynamic Media showing the way you want it to? I got the site map. John
TJ Books Premium
Make sure you are in contact with Kyle or Carson to succeed. John
johnson1506 Premium
Hi, Im really new to this site-so be gentle :-). Im hoping to master the 'News PR' side of SEO. If you can offer any Tips and advice I would love to hear from you! Thx!
johnson1506 Premium
I am finding it really hard to motivate my self at the moment, there is so much information to take on board yet no where to start with it all . I think Im hitting rock bottom at the moment I feel like just sleeping 24/7, has anybody felt like this before?
johnson1506 Premium
Well, if you need a hand with web design..... which bit do you understand/enjoy the most sofar?
MrGright Premium
Hello buddy,
Just like you I just had a little girl and I am excited about creating a better future for her and the rest of my family. I am new at this and I look forward to the challenges ahead. I see you have website experience and may need to call on your help to get a website up. Good luck and congratulation on the new baby on the way

gavcc Premium
I completely agree w/ you.....at least you have a background in web design...i don't even have that! :) So far, I've read through week 1 of the action plan and I've been reading through the learning center, which I think has completely overwhelmed me. The problem is, I'm a very process & methodical driven thinker...I read things as step 1, step 2, etc. And even thought I'm reading through the learning center (which tells you all the necessary pieces) I can't figure which steps have to happen first. They appear to all need to happen simultaneously!! EEKKK!!
gavcc Premium
HI! Thanks for the gold! I'm not sure when you gave it to me, but I just saw it today!! Wow, how many site do you have running? Impressive! Any sales?
Ntweetyd Premium
Hi there...good luck to you...I may be calling on your expertise with websites here soon! I am at that point where I am going to try creating my own. And I'm scared to death! LOL
I will add you. :)
Congrats on your bundle of joy. I'm sure you will be hearing from me.
Ntweetyd Premium
I was wondering if you have used Site Rubix at all??? And if so, do you know how to do the upload of FTP with it?? I am having a hell of a time with it and I cannot get it to work. I keep getting errors and it is driving me nuts! I just want to get my first site live so I can get it out there and maybe make some sales.
Any help you can give me I would really appreciate. Thanks in advance.
Ntweetyd Premium
I got it to work. It was very frustrating, but I ended up getting it. Thanks!!
johnson1506 Premium
Hi, sorry took soooo long to get back to you, did you sort out site rubix or still need help?