Posts by Jonathan93 4
August 28, 2010
Hey gang, what's happening? Written two articles for a total of a thousand words (one last night, the other first thing this A.M.).  Someone found my WA review site -- -- and posted a nice comment, but since they didn't add their trackback URL, I denied it, and told the author to post again with his URL, for purposes of SEO Juju. Why?  Because there's no need to be stingy with your links, gang.  Plenty of money out there to be made, and you never know
August 10, 2010
Woo, blogging . . .  I'm an introvert, and generally a private person by nature, so sharing what I'm up to & how I'm feeling is as much a challenge as asking a girl out on a date.  LOL.  Anyhoo, I thought I'd write a quick note as to what I've been up to.  I finally threw in the towel with my hosting issues, and pointed my web registrar to my hosting account at  My site "reappeared" in less than a day.  I have a phenomenal eye for detail,
1 comment
August 10, 2010
Hey, gang, Sorry that I seem to be kvetching, but some days go smoother than others, eh?  I spent almost an hour wrestling with a Wordpress theme -- apparently there's something funky with WA's hosting (my review blog -- such as it is -- is hosted here), such that my admin Wordpress account did not have the requisite permissions -- at the file system level -- to tweak or modify the theme.   Not fun.   Wish the boys would take the training wheels off the web server configuration, e
Howdy folks!  Just a quick tip from me today. has a promotion -- professional shared hosting for ten bucks a year.  That's right -- $10 / yr. for the first year, no gotchas or gimmicks.  Just use the coupon code 'PCWORLD'. You will find the site somewhat more robust in its offerings than hosting here on Wealthy Affiliate, at least for the time being (I am a bit of a techie and desired more control and greater flexibility in my hosting account).