Saddled Up And Riding

Last Update: August 28, 2010

Hey gang, what's happening?

Written two articles for a total of a thousand words (one last night, the other first thing this A.M.).  Someone found my WA review site -- -- and posted a nice comment, but since they didn't add their trackback URL, I denied it, and told the author to post again with his URL, for purposes of SEO Juju.

Why?  Because there's no need to be stingy with your links, gang.  Plenty of money out there to be made, and you never know when doing a good turn comes back.  It's not about "paying it forward" so much as letting abundance flow towards you by adopting a mindset of generosity.

Right, 'nough of that.

Final word -- I'm still looking for a team of newbs &  mentors with whom to contribute.  Last dude I PMed replied, "Thanks for the feedback.  Reorganizing on a higher level."  The hell?  I hope that means he got out of his upside-down mortgage, shaved his head and joined a Zen Buddhist monastery, because other wise that doesn't make any $#!% sense.

 (Stupid line spacing.)

I wish you a good weekend, folks, and delenda est Factio Popularis.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Uohooo..Latin...rememberances of Sister Anna Gertrude and Cicero. Terror. OK. What does it mean? Well, when it comes to other marketers or other anybody, some people get how it works and some don't. That's what's nice about WA. So many "get it".
Louise M. Premium
Haha! :) Good mentality. Well if you need help, you can PM me, I'll do my best to write replies that make sense. lol :)