About Jovand904
Joined August 2012
Hello WA! My name is Jovan Williams, I am 26 years old and I look forward to learning as much as possible from the University. I am originally from Florida, but I currently reside in Richmond, Virginia. I have a background in sales of almost 7 years and I chose to leave it all behind to work for my uncle in Virginia. I admire my uncle, because he is living his dream, now its time to put together my plans to reach mine. After leaving my corporate sales job I told myself this..."I will NEVER let anyone else determine how much im worth again". I don't care how long it takes me, I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. I look forward to meeting as many people as possible on this voyage and I wish everyone the best of luck.
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CallMeJustin Premium
Welcome to WA Jovan! If you need anything, let me know. Enjoy!
veronica.l Premium
Hi Jovan, Welcome to WA!
Love your approach, stick with this, learn as much as you can and take action and you will reach your dreams the posibilities are endless.
Best of luck and let us know if you need any help along the way,

Adrian66 Premium
Hi jovand904, thanks for following me. Sounds like you've got a wonderful life, with great dreams and aspirations, you go man!! As I’m also new to WA there’s lots to learn, but it seems to be a great online community with like minded people. Like you said just stick at it, we're all here to help, you might like to follow Potpiegirl and of course Kyle and Carson, and ask them questions. Great to see you here and congratulations on joining WA, Adrian :))
garethb Premium
My name is Skip - Welcome to WA. I've been involved with WA since February 2012. I like that WA is a legit site and everyone here will help you succeed. Work hard and consistent and you'll succeed.