D7 days down and much completed- CRITICS WANTED

Last Update: August 19, 2012
So much has changed in these past 7 days. I have went from the hesitant to adventurous! If you can remember from my first blog post I exposed my main weakness to WA and now I conquered my fears. Not only have I setup my website, but I have made my first two blog posts on my site. I became so confident that I even opened up a squidoo account, to get my feet wet and to become more comfortable with my blogging.

Now with my site launched and running, I want to exclusively invite my WA family to check it out first. I am far from done, but I would like to receive some positive feedback on improvements I can make and strategies I can use to appeal to my audience. I even made twitter account, please feel free to follow me (link on my homepage). Have a blessed day!

Copy www.CellularIntel.net in your browser(I can't get the link button to work on here)
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BIS Premium
Well done for making so much progress go quickly.

I have to say I'm probably not quite as keen on the orange as Luke is.

However, I like the layout. I don't know whether you can slow down the speed of your slider very slightly I found it a bit fast.

I would put your first two blog posts into categories - it never looks good to have 'uncategorized' sitting in the side bar.

Nothing else to add apart from to say keeep adding content. t's looking good.

Thank you Beverley, I am a die hard Florida Gator fan so that explains all of the orange lol. I thought about the category section but i'm not sure how I should separate them. Any ideas?
Nice looking website. I like the colour scheme you're using. Black on orange looks really great!

Suggested improvements? Just two things stand out to me... Lose the "Meta" widget in your sidebar. Looks a little tacky and you can gain access the backend of your site through /wp-admin. Second, lose one of your search boxes. You have one in the side bar and one above your header. Personally, I'd lose the one in your sidebar, more important thing can be put there instead.

If you want me to look at anything else, feel free to ask :)

- Luke
Wow Luke, you are really a helpful dude! Im making those changes right now. I may have more questions for you later but thank you!
Not a problem my friend! We are a family, and family help each other ;)