Day 13. Revising.

Last Update: February 25, 2010

 Day 13, and already I find myself slowing down a little on article writing. I try to provide at least a little quality for ezine articles, and I've got a little bit of writers block after 45 articles. I've already repeated myself significantly. I probably need to learn to make peace with being repetitive.

I axed my website, and used my domain name as a redirect to the merchant page.  Everyone says not to do this, but in my case I think it's a wise move. The index page of my website is (was) a poorly constructed and visually unappealing sales page. I know it looks like sales copy - if readers are going to come face to face with sales copy, I'd rather they do it through my hoplink. I hope this week that decision will bring in a sale. In the meantime, I'll think about building a new website that can do the job right.

I'm planning some backlink building this week also. I'm frustrated at the moment because Free Traffic System won't accept an Ezine article as a link. I really need to push my articles up in the search rankings.

I made the decision recently to leave Taiwan and go home to Canada. I'm excited about it. Job prospects aren't good here, and the cultural isolation is starting to get to me. My next trip will be to South America, hopefully when I'm making a decent income with IM! 


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