Working Hard or Hardly working?

Last Update: January 25, 2010


I guess one of the kickers about internet marketing is that it takes time. I've understood since the beginning that article marketing snowballs, and it takes some time to really build up traffic and make sales. The trouble is, I'm a terribly impatient, instant gratification kind of guy. It feels like I'm working hard but the whole thing is hardly working. Right now I have 3 hubpages, 7 live articles, and 3 Ezine articles pending review. Each of these contain a link to my landing page. Right now, google analytics tells me I've had 2 page views for my landing page. So I'm moving on to SEO for my articles. Keyword density is fine, so I'm using Free Traffic System to spin articles for backlinks to the articles I have on hubpages and in the hope that they'll rise in the google search ranks. In essence, I'm writing a new article or two for every article I have online now, solely for backlinks, and spinning them through FTS. I love writing articles, but SEO sucks. At least, this way of doing SEO sucks. Spinning articles is tedious. Social Bookmarking is a chore. I've looked into automation and tools but it seems to me that at the end of the day you still have to register at the individual sites and fill out the information so I wonder what the tools are really good for except saving you from typing in the different URLs. I just hate filling out web forms. Anyway, I'm leaving for Thailand really soon and I need a week to decompress, so I'm trying to build up as much as I can before I go in the hopes that over a week some indexing will happen and the first trickles of traffic will flow into my landing page. Keeping my fingers crossed. Justin

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Suzi Premium
Hey, Justin--have you posted links to your hubs and articles on your member page?