Day 4 (Bummer)

Last Update: March 19, 2010

Lesson three unlocked today! I have been waiting days for this lesson to unlock the anticipated secrets within. Because I am currently unemployed and have nothing but time on my hands I have endeavored to learn as much as possible taking the cue from WA, I have spent 8-10 hours a day on this site and doing as much research as I can as well. The first two lessons were like gold in my pocket and and my anticipation was high.

That being said I was disappointed  with this module as it was short with a few links to other training modules (Good Info), however I had already gone though all of this material on my own during the waiting period. I was gone for seven hours today on a trip to Louisville and was looking forward to the module unlocking this afternoon (six hours on the road feeling that I had my arms around what I have already learned ).

The next module is on choosing a product and I have that task completed and need to write articles and develop a lens and/or website. Potpiegirls tutorials have gotten me this far so I guess I will keep this momentum going instead of waiting.

 I am extremely excited about this however it looks like I can pick it up faster on my own. Maybe they should have different paces based on the amount of hours per week that can be devoted to training.



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kadcpp Premium
Thanks for all the advice! I have been moving forward finding more tutorials as I go that will probably be in lessons later.
dave250783 Premium
hey buddy,
you can go through the old getting started guide here;
its laid out a little different but its good to just go through to get a good general idea etc.
i did that fast and now i just wait for the lessons to unlock on the new one to kind of pace the campaign im doing with that.
i think thats the whole idea just to pace us so we dont miss anything.
hope this helps mate have a good one,
Whistler Premium
I thought they changed it so you don't have to unlock the lessons slowly. While you might not get everything in the right order, all the tutorials should be available somewhere in the training center if you want them.

When I joined I wanted to move fast, so finished reading almost all the information on the site within a few days just by reading all the tutorials separately.

But if you do have to wait a couple days between lessons, I guess that is for your own good. Just go through things one at a time and do your research and take action....and if you ever want help with anything, give a shout in the forum. Sorry for any frustration, and good luck!
dougly Premium
Hey, I can not agree more with your frustration. I had the weekend to myself (thought I would be up and going on something big by now) I have been doing more research, and I suppose that is there intention.
I started 7 new free web sites, at weebly and have joined lots of blogs and hub pages just to become recognized within those communties ( and trusted) so as we cont. I am hoping to have it all tweeked out.
Keep going ------ sounds like we are in the same boat.... It will work
Peedsbornagain Premium
Thanks though for the blog ... great stuff ...