Website to Second Spot for Keyword!

Last Update: April 24, 2010

 Since I to have been bouncing in many directions I decided to work SEO for lenses and website to play with it and determine results. I have been able to increase the lenses a little by adding more keywords and links and I am starting to get some traffic again.

 My web page has been  frustrating me as one of the people that was above me has not touched the site for well over a year and I have been unable to get Google Analytics loaded for some reason.The tracking code installs however it has been gathering data for over a week now. I think I found that problem and should start seeing data later today or Sunday. The best news is that with the site being about a month old it is now at second position WOO HOO!

I know I am getting traffics from lens and blogs so if I can get the analytics going I can get more information on clicks and length of stay to enable me tweak the content..

 I will keep you posted!

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Louise M. Premium
hey that's cool! keep up the good work! About the length of stay, Google Analytics sometimes display 00:00:00 but don't worry, Jay gave me a link to the explanation a while ago. here it is in case: See ya' around!
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your success and thanks for sharing your cool blogs!