My First Month Ride at Wealthy Affiliate University

Last Update: April 13, 2010

I joined WA 0n 3-16-10 signing up for a month just to check it out. As many of you know I have been out of work for almost 6 months now. I wish I had found WA sooner, as I was spending all my time trying hard to find a good paying job that was not there. I apologize for the long post however I wanted to let my buddies know what is transpiring.

 I have been very diligent in my studies here and have learned a lot and accomplished some things I never thought I could do in a month. I somehow managed to get a member rank in the 70s, developed 6 lenses (Although not all completed), five blogs and even set up my VERY OWN WEBSITE. I have tried to help others as much as a newbie can and offered encouragement and support to others. I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay here, the people who have befriended me and most of all the whole WA experience.

That being said my unemployment is running out in a few weeks and I will have to sell my home here and move back to my hometown. I still have a house there however I moved my mother in law into it when I moved here as her only income is social security. I can no longer afford two mortgages and the mother in law is starting to develop Alzheimer’s so my wife and I will move back to the basement there. Please do not feel sorry for me as I am not destitute. I have a retirement account that I will access to get by until I can find a job there to pay the bills.

Is this sounding like a farewell? There is a lot of bad news in this world and many are in the same boat with me which gives me some comfort. The good news is that I found this little corner of the web with all of you and I will be forever grateful for this experience and the buddies I have made here.  A whole hearted (Thank You!) to all who have been so wonderful, caring and encouraging!

Why am I telling you this? It is because I have seen the value of this community (You are more friendly than my neighbors) and the opportunities to create a successful future in these trying times. Also I wanted to let you know that you may not hear from me for periods of time due to the move. Today I signed up for year to save 10 bucks a month! I am not leaving as that would be crazy having so much more to learn and people to meet, help and be helped by. FOOLED YOU! I am telling you this because I may sporadically appear and disappear as I have a lot to do during the move, please do not consider a late reply as an insult only that I will not be able to access WA frequently for a while. I intend to get a lower income job back home and continue with WA in the time I have left after the job. I will not be able to devote to it full time like I have been however I will succeed with the help and resources here at WA. I cannot afford WA with my limited resources however and more importantly I CAN NOT AFFORD NOT TO!

Thank you for your patience and friendship,


PS: 590 words not including postscript. Should I make this a testimonial or article for WA (LOL)?


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rohend Premium
hang in there. It can only get better
jatdebeaune Premium
All the best to you Keith. You have a lot of company. This economy has been ridiculous.
redneck Premium
You just offered comfort to me, as I have been unemployed for 2 years. Joined WA in Dec 09. Had some money but running low, don't worry the sunshine is only clicks away.
Hope your move goes well and a job comes your way. Wait to see you back online soon. Good luck!
martinact420 Premium
Best of luck and goodwill to you, hurry back online tho cause you never know when your big lick is just around the corner, thanks.
Jamie Smith Premium
great to have you in the WA family!
