This is Important!

Last Update: March 25, 2010

I am trying all the techniques I have learned here and am trying to apply them, however I have found that I have not digested all of the information. I have learned and found myself going back to tutorials I thought I had down only to find I have forgotten an important step.

 I am having success such as a main lens rank to 800 out of 22,000 but I find that by missing key nuggets of training I have made mistakes in my BUMMarketing campaign. Good  news is I am finding out how to correct these mistakes and will learn from them.

BIG TIP - Review what you have already learned and after starting a campaign review again as most can be fixed and you will learn in the process.

 I am not doing too bad for less than two weeks but I am so driven that I cannot stop trying all this advice.  I am just so pumped at the info and drive to succeed.


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jatdebeaune Premium
It's amazing how certain things stick and they are usually the methods that you are applying at the moment. Practice. Action. After 6 months here, I'm going back in to review everything all over again as a refresher and to re-engage valuable info and techniques that I may have forgotten.
Louise M. Premium
That's very good! Indeed, affiliate marleting is all about testing things, strategies, things we learn, read somewhere, then we stick to what works ! but taking action is really key and that's what you're doing so congratulations ! it'll pay off ! :)
