2012 Goals Thus Far

Last Update: June 21, 2012
This Blog is just as the name states: My 2012 Goals as per Steve's challenge here https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share_zone/view/1100.

Hopefully I can update this at a later date so it can be more fleshed out and in-line with goals I already have. Some of these will be more short-term while others will be more long term.

Internet Marketing/Wealthy Affiliate Goals
  1. Record my progress in Blog each day for my first 10 days with Wealthy Affiliate
  2. Introduce myself on the forums
  3. Find a good niche that suits my personality and hobbies
  4. Create my first website
  5. Get my first visitors
  6. Record progress in Blog for each day with Wealthy Affiliate for first 30 days
  7. Make some money off of my first website
  8. Reach 50 followers on Wealthy Affiliate
  9. Refer 3 people to Wealthy Affiliate
Personal Goals
  1. Reach 180 lbs (at 200 lbs down from 220!)
  2. Run a 5k
  3. Get my own place/apartment
  4. Be able to support myself without financial help from others
  5. Get on a decent sleep schedule
  6. Keep eating healthy
  7. Join a recreational Men's Baseball League
  8. Meet new people
  9. Spend more time with family than the computer.
Thats about all I can come up with right now. I actually have a fully detailed "plan" typed out that has everything in detail such as what exercises I'm doing, how much I'm eating, etc. It has definitely helped me focus and really motivated me to keep pushing.

The person I was just 3 months ago is drastically different than who I am right now. It's quite awesome seeing my personal progress well...personally! On sort of a side note, having rewards for achieving your goals also helps in keeping myself motivated. To give you an example from my personal life, I currently have some rewards set in place for each checkpoint I reach towards my weight goal of 180 lbs. My big goal (which actually wasn't set by me!) is that my step-father will take me out and buy me my first real suit! At first I wasn't all that excited but not that I've seen the progress, it's rekindled my motivation to keep on trucking towards my goal.

Anyways, I went on a bit of a rant but I completed what I finished out to do! Hope a few people will find it somewhat interesting.


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veronica.l Premium
Good luck with your goals Ian!