Day 3 - Well On My Way!

Last Update: June 25, 2012
Allright, well its almost 2 AM here and I'm still messing around and I REALLY need to go to bed but I'm just so excited right now. I finally got both my articles I wrote yesterday and today published on StreetArticles. It's only been about an hour so far but I've got a combined total of almost 50 views! I really can't believe it's even getting up that high but it truly is an awesome feeling.

I've taken my training advice to heart as well and have linked both articles to my twitter and facebook pages. The big thing here is that I only had about 8-10 views per article before I linked them and now in the past 15-20 minutes, it has gone up by so much. It truly is remarkable what social networking truly does for your traffic.

Overall, I finished up with Day 6 of the training which wasn't too bad at all. Even though I got distracted a lot today but with real life stuff and just the ridiculous amount of content on this site, I feel that I was pretty productive and learned a ton. I have to thank Kyel for posting The Diamond Traffic Program. I now can say I'm very confident I can find stuff to write about with pretty much any topic thanks to it and it really clarified some of my questions regarding how to actually get traffic to your articles and website.

Day 7 on the other hand I really am not sure how I am going to approach. There are some problems that my current niche presents when it comes to affiliate programs. Since my niche doesn't really focus on a "product" per se, I couldn't find any affiliate programs that were related. The only thing I could think of today that would be even remotely related to my game niche would possibly be gaming accessories or stuff like mice and keyboards, headsets, etc. However, I really don't think those go with my concept for the website since my primary focus is information about the game and learning how to play, stuff like that.

Another "problem" I suppose is that my website currently doesn't have much content. Granted, I've just been staying with the training so far but my website doesn't really offer much.

That's about it for today. As I'm finishing this up my combined views for my articles is up to 50! I'm super excited about that as I've just put what I've learned so far into action and I'm already seeing results even though I was doubting myself while I was writing about it. I'm confident that I can choose another niche and do even better if I wanted to. Ok I really need to go to bed, thanks for reading!
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evknight Premium
Hey...It's going on 4:45am here where I am, and I should get to bed too. I tell myself I'll do just one more thing and then quit...well, that thing turned into 20 things and another couple of hours has gone by:)

Like you I have been so focused on the training that I neglect the networking. I to have two articles published, and have 5 pending. I got that automatic hook-up to facebook and twitter, but I'm still trying to work out what to do with those two platforms.

Something is working though, because when I googled my website it popped up on the first page!

My website offers nothing...nothing but my opinions, I'm a writer so that is what the site offers...don't care...I just love working for myself...just saying

Good luck--EK