I Escaped!!!

Last Update: September 22, 2009

I managed to escape the offline course mentioned in my last blog :-) It was not as valuable as time spent learning and putting into action the lessons from WA. I invested in a proper folder and A4 writing pad yesterday to make notes in an organised fashion on what I'm learning and planning instead of on scraps of paper :-) Taking the rest of today off and will treat the last two days like the weekend. Back on course as of tomorrow morning.

Goal is to get 2 articles up on each day in the listed forums and article hosting places online for WA membership promotion.

And also to  start formulating my first campaign. Have picked a couple of niches, need tomorrow to focus on one and research several potential products to review. By the end of the five days I want to have five reviews written in addition to my WA articles.

Oh God I want to do everything in one go!!!! Must learn to temper my enthusiasm :-)

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