Targets :-)

Last Update: September 26, 2009

This week I managed to write 2 articles for WA but I hit my target of 10 articles for my niche in finance. I also picked some images for the website and a few products to just registering the domain and then will be desiging the site this evening....going to head back into the tutorials to see how to design a good landing page and also to learn how to use it to start building a list.....

I read somewhere that a good number of articles a day to aim for is 10....duanting but do able and I guess when you get into the habit it becomes second nature.

Goal is to have the site up by Monday

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Carson Premium
dgpwrrichesunow Premium
i am veryy enthuiased enthused about viewing your website. keep me in touch and congratualions on all the hard work. keep it up.

"Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe You can Achieve." - Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) Founder of The Science Of Success

To our $ucce$$,
