Posts by KerryLB1968 3
Or at least that’s how the lyrics from the song go.  Or perhaps you prefer the quotes “The time I kill is killing me” or “You may delay but time will not”.   Or maybe the old maxim “Time is Money”.  I think I even saw Kyle post somewhere “Information is in abundance, but my time and focus are at a premium.” Do you see a recurring theme here?  No matter how you look at it, I think everyone would agree that time is one of our most precious commodities.&nb
December 13, 2011
 All of my life I have been a math person.  My brain sees numbers in everything.  So naturally, I obtained my degree in accounting and went on to a profession in finance.  Now, I get the joy of working with numbers and spreadsheets every day.  This is my comfort zone.  Really. Internet marketing is not in my comfort zone. Working in the corporate world I have come to find that the finance group and the marketing group do not always see eye to eye.  I think it i
November 30, 2011
I have been here at WA for a little less than a week now, so I thought now is as good of time as any to publish my first blog.  I hope to be able to look back at this blog in a few months and again in a few years and be amazed at how far I have come.  I am sure the “future-me” will want to go back in time and reassure the “current-me” that everything is going to work out fine.  I also hope that the “current-me” is able to provide the “future-me” with a few laughs a