“Time Is All The Luck You Need”

Last Update: January 11, 2012

Or at least that’s how the lyrics from the song go.  Or perhaps you prefer the quotes “The time I kill is killing me” or “You may delay but time will not”.   Or maybe the old maxim “Time is Money”.  I think I even saw Kyle post somewhere “Information is in abundance, but my time and focus are at a premium.”

Do you see a recurring theme here?  No matter how you look at it, I think everyone would agree that time is one of our most precious commodities.  Well, as “luck” would have it, we have been given a gift of time this year.  Given that 2012 is a leap-year, we have an extra day (February 29th).  That is 24 extra hours to do whatever you want. 

It does not matter what we choose to do.  It can be work related – researching a new niche; writing a few articles; creating a new blog or two – or it can be relax related – catch up on some reading; spend some quality time with the family; take a well deserved nap.  The only important thing is we that should DO something with that free gift.  As for myself, since February 29th falls on a Wednesday, I will be going to work as usual.  Bummer.

However, I determined not to let this awesome gift go to waste.  My plan is to use this gift throughout the year to help me take more action on things I wish to accomplish.  Whenever I find myself fretting about time (I am running out of time; I cannot find any extra time), I will remind myself that I have an extra 24 hours from which to draw upon!  I will cash in a couple of those hours each time I feel I could use them.  A couple of extra hours to take action!  Plus, since I am sure I will not be tracking when I use these “extra” hours, I can draw upon them almost anytime.  It will be like an abundant supply of time!

Now I know there are some of you that will think this idea is mathematically impossible.  Yes, perhaps my accounting method is a little flawed.  But sometimes it takes a little mathematical creativity to keep oneself motivated.  Therefore, I am going to go ahead and use this free gift and become a man of action.  Please feel free to do the same.

Take care,


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Jamie Smith Premium
Time is so valuable, excellent mindset on this cool blog!
KerryLB1968 Premium
Thanks Jamie - glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the gold too!
jatdebeaune Premium
Leap Year! Sadie Hawkins Day! Hah! I like your idea of incorporating the day throughout the year. It's a good incentive for taking more action. Gold to you.
KerryLB1968 Premium
I forgot about the Sadie Hawkins Day tradition. Good one! I am always looking for any new or creative ways to motivate myself. Thanks a lot for the gold too!
meknowsu Premium
This is a good idea and thanks for sharing about the extra 24 hours I like that. LOL

Time management is one of my new years resolutions this year, I really want to make the most of my time and enjoy myself in the process.
KerryLB1968 Premium
I too would really like to address my time management issues in 2012. Any trick can help. You hit it on the head about enjoying yourself in the process. Having extra time doesn't mean that much if you aren't enjoying that time.