Full time internet marketer...I am

Last Update: November 26, 2010

I think I am about to mark December 2010 as the month that I am taking my Internet Marketing career full time. Whoa...this is kind of scary and exciting for me. Challenges and opportunities lies ahead of me, and I am up for it. 

It has been 6 months since I've joined Wealthy Affiliate, and I can safely say that Internet Marketing is my future and being successful is the only choice for me. There will be no excuse to quit.

How much have I made?

To be completely honest with you guys, I am not rich YET. But I am making enough money to fuel and scale up my business. Well this is business, I keep re-invest in good stuff and things that will benefit me and my business.

My Goals...

Well I have set some personal goals to achieve myself. Among them are:

1 - Submitting 1,000 to 3,000 articles (OMG....)
2 - Getting my site ranked on first page of google..
3 - Create my own product perhaps (I don't have any idea yet..haha)
4 - Making 5 figures monthly income..($.$)

My target is to complete those goals within the next 12 months. And I'm going to make it happen no matter what.

Any Tips?

I think I should ask my fellow WA friends about any tips that you think is important when it comes to taking IM into full time. Care to share your experience and what works for you in the comment box below? 

I highly appreciate you leaving a response..


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Khairul Anwar Premium
Thanks Konquer. What would you do if you are going to go full time?
Konquer Premium
Awesome goals! Good luck to you. -Konquer