The Business Side Of Internet Marketing

Last Update: July 03, 2011

Only after a year or so I realized how important it is to treat my internet marketing career as a business instead of like a job

When I first started out, I wanted to do it all on my own and do it underground...sort of. But little did I know how much work to put in in order to be successful in internet marketing, and in business. 

An online business is still a business, and should be treated like one. Recently, I've been keeping myself busy with reading business books by successful people, and learning how they think and their point of view.

After analyzing a few opinions and important points in business, it made me very clear why some people are very successful at business and some can't even get started and back to square one...or even give up and look for a job.

One of the main reason why some people are too afraid to spend money on their business is that they do not understand leverage.

There are so many things that you can do to leverage in your business, some of them are...learn how to use:

1) OPM (Other People's Money)

If your reason to not starting a business is because of NO MONEY, then you should learn how to use other people's money to start your business. This is how so many successful business people open their business to investors to raise their capital for them to run their business. In return, the investor will get back their money, and a percentage of profit shared with company.

One of the ways I used OPM in my internet marketing business is by studying SEO, and Internet Marketing here in WA. Then I approach a few offline business owners who wanted to get more leads for their business via search engine marketing which I have knowledge on.

I started from a few small business owners, most of them are close friends. They gave the money to buy all the software, hosting, and they even pay me a few dollars for me to maintain their website on a monthly basis. Not bad for a start. There I got the solution for not having enough money to start.

2) OPT (Other People's Time)

After a few months doing the SEO work all on my own, I realized that although I solved the money problem for all the resource and tools I need to start a business, but I lack time to expand my business even further.

I've been developing other people's business and having less time to plan and grow my business (which is the main point of doing business anyway).  Then I started to do a little comparison and see what other people are doing to grow their business.

Surprisingly...Most successful internet entrepreneurs or even offline entrepreneurs have the same way of thinking. They hire other people to do the work for them. For someone to do all the work all by himself will take a LOT of time. And people only have 24 hours a day.

At first, the word outsourcing was not an important word in my business vocabulary because I didn't even have any money to pay someone else. But when you solved the money problem, either using your own money or other people's money (OPM) now need to learn how to use OPT to grow your business even further.

Imagine having 3 article writer writing at least 10 articles per day for your business. Thats 30 articles per day! If you were to write the article yourself, which would take around 45 minutes per article to write...that would be 30 articles x 45 minutes = 1,350 minutes (22.5 hours of work!)

WOW! You manage to get an extra 22.5 more hours in your life. (This would be so crazy if you would've done it all by yourself)

If you could value your time over money, then you will start seeing the business side of internet marketing, or even an offline business for that matter.

Now I have 2 staff handling my SEO projects for me. And I plan on hiring more staff to get more work done faster. These are some ideas you can use if you are STUCK financially.

Try brainstorming some ideas, never quit...never say you can't. Start looking for solutions rather than blaming it on other people.

Cheers my WA friends....



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