About Kitty118
Joined October 2010
Hi! My name is Kristin and I live in Norway. English is not my mother tongue, so please ask if something I say sounds crazy, ok? I am married to my best friend Finn, and I have two stepsons, 14 and 19.

I work full time in a company called Regnbuen Malermesterbedrift, would be something like Rainbow Painter Company in English :) I started as a painter myself, but the last ten years I have been working with accounting and finances in the company. We have about 40 employees at the moment.

My favorite hobby is digital scrapbooking, and that is probably the reason I got into websites and internet marketing. I have my own webstore where I sell templates for digital scrapbooking and also a few kits. The digiscrap market is actually oversaturated and the cometition is hard. But I have a hope that I one day will have a decent income through the internet somehow.

I have purchased a few "get rich through affiliate marketing" programs, and I guess I have learnt a few things. I have also learnt that if something sounds to good to be true, it usuallly is.... After a few weeks of searching around I understood that this is not easy money and you have to work for it.

My other main interest is traveling. Both I and my husband loves France and we have been there at least once a year the last 7 years. We also have a time-share at Gran Canaria in Spain where we spend a couple of weeks every year in Feb/March.

So thats all about me, here I am, ready to get started to learn more about affiliate marketing.
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Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
kitty118 Premium
Hi there! Thanks for the welcome, I am glad I found this place. Seems like great place to learn!
bodovan Premium
Hi Kristin!
Welcome on board!!!
Glad to see more and more buddies here...:)
If you need help in any way - let me know... Hopefully I'll be able to assist you with something...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...
Take care,
kitty118 Premium
Hi and thanks for the welcome! I am trying to get familiar with the site and all the resources right now. I am sure there will be questions when I start working on things. Thanks for the help offer...you might hear from me soon :)
famousplumber Premium
Cool websites! I might just be coming to you for some advice. How's your Adsense performing?
famousplumber Premium
Well, you are sure off to a great start. It took me over a year to get even close to what you've accomplished! Good job!
famousplumber Premium
That I can definitely relate to! I'm working long-tails and a DIY site and trying to get noticed organically. Lotsa work!
kitty118 Premium
Thanks! I think they look pretty good, but I just started with adsense so I can't say it's doing very well actually. The ads have been there for about 4 weeks and I feel lucky if I get a click or two every day. I seriously need to learn more about marketing and getting traffic to my sites.
kitty118 Premium
Thanks:) Building websites is the easiest part, getting noticed out there in the google jungle is much mor challenging.
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA. Travel Niches can be very nice. But look around I'm sure you will find something that catches your eye.
kitty118 Premium
Hi, and thanks for the welcome. I started the Loire site before I even heard about affiliate marketing, but I hope it will give me some income in the future. I'm definately looking around, totally confused about all the new stuff at the moment :)
Barnabus Premium
Welcome to WA....Hope you enjoy it. Peace Barnabus..
kitty118 Premium
Thanks for the welcome. From what I have seen so far I'm sure I will enjoy it and learn a lot!