Doing progress?

Last Update: November 06, 2010

Hi there! I just realized that I only have one blogpost here so far. I have been busy trying to learn everything I can about affiliate marketing since I joined here. I have been reading a lot, but not taken much action yet. Except for working on my excisting sites.I have been trying to write some articles, which is a challienge since I have to write English, would be much easier to do it in Norwegian :) Today I am working on my Loire site. I listed a lot of hotels for cycling tourists there a while ago, no affilate links though.

I discovered that almost all of them had some kind of affiliate program, so I am working on updating each of them with my own affiliate links.

 I have also started a new site about Gran Canaria, you are welcome to visit and constructive feedback is always welcome. I have done most at the Norwegian part, will update the English later.

I still haven't sold a product or earned a cent, but I believe I will when the traffic increases on these sites. At least I hope so.... I am buliding links through freewebtraffic and linkjuicer. Does anyone use any other programs that are inexpensive and effective?

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