Posts by Klrrider 30
July 18, 2011   New Link: 
All my articles in SA have been running 2nd to 4th page till this week... now they have taken a nosedive... even new submissions are toast. This could be tempory but it dosen't look like it since it is completely across the board for over 25 articles. In March...   Now (July)... July... I have backlinked some of these so we will see what comes of it. I was using a service called 3 way links for my Word Press Blogs but canceled the service last month. Since the links have disappeared from t
Haven't submitted to SA for a while... skipped the whole 30 day challenge thing... to many IM goals and tasks to keep up with. However, had an idea for an article couple of days ago and wrote it up one evening and submitted half of it to SA as "Part 1." "Part 2" I published on my site. The links in the SA article pointed to "Part 2" on my site...duh! This began my many SA article REJECTIONS! I was rejected by both auto and human editors... I was beginning to feel l
  I check my page ranking stats for my sites every Sunday to determine work that has to be done the following week. If something is sagging I will schedule some time to boost it a bit. For the most part... things go as planned or should I say what I have learned here at WA works and for that I am thankful.... but... there are always those situations that you just have to laugh off instead of pulling your hair out. Here is two extremes that keep me laughing each week! I have a site that is
1 comment
April 28, 2011
April 03, 2011
This just cracks me up... One of my best performing blogs which has been in position 1 for 2 keywords for over a year and page one for 5 others suddenly disappeared... beyond 500 places!  Been that way for about 2 weeks. Checked it today and it is back with a vengeance... funny thing though, now my site has position 1-3 for the same keyword??? I thought the new algorithm was supposed to eliminate this. Not much variety for the Google customer...  But then... who's complaining ;-) &
March 19, 2011
Just a quick note... I have 11 articles at SA, all but one is indexed (in 24hrs.) and this is the current position for my chosen keywords. These are root keywords and not article title results and of-course placement depends on competition but I just thought I would publish to show that SA should be in your arsenal if you are article marketing. Just a few back-links and most of these would be page 1.  
I do a lot of article marketing... (broke my bank on ppc) and I am always in perpetual trouble with eZine articles and I often wonder why they let me stay. I have over 50 articles with them on my first account (yes I have more than one) and I am still basic-plus status!  Have two in the red right now! "Your article doesn't deliver on the promise made in your title."  I didn't know I made any promises... truncated the title some more, yes this is the second time I have had to
Sometimes you get little surprises as an Affiliate Marketer, OK maybe a lot of the time, but I am referring to just the positive ones- OK? Have you ever found out that your site or blog was ranking for a keyword you had no idea about? Believe me, it happens, and more than you think. I just happened to me again the other day. It happened to be several keywords in fact but one turned out to be a sleeper... one of those that gets a good amount of traffic and has little SEO competition. You migh
If you are anything like me (I feel sorry for you!) you keep the marketing eyes in the back of your head trained on the Google search results to keep tabs on the positions of your sites, articles and other work. If something is sagging a bit I can concentrate on boosting it. Things that are doing well (yes sometimes that happens) I leave alone since my time is limited and I prefer to make my steps count. The keyword suggestion tool at first seems to assist greatly in this regard since it not onl